Green Spaces
We understand that green spaces are important to residents. We will therefore ensure that green spaces in Westcourt are protected, preserved and are accessible to all members of the community. We will ensure that we give local people a real voice in deciding the look and feel of development in their area; from determining the parks, playing fields and beauty spots as well as the location of shops, offices and schools, or setting green standards of design for new housing.
Pot Holes
We will work closely with Kent County Council and lobby them to make sure that the vast numbers of pot holes in Westcourt are filled as soon as we receive reports of their presence. We will also work closely with KCC to ensure that money is earmarked for targeted running repairs to keep our roads safe and accessible, though we recognise that longer-term investment is required to have a major impact on improving our roads.
Combat Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
We will work closely with the police and other authorities to help reduce anti-social behaviour in Westcourt and tackle excessive speeding in the area – we will pay particular attention to Rochester Road. We will champion the cause to prevent car vandalism, encourage youth clubs and activities to discourage potential offenders. We will spend more of your council tax to ensure additional Enforcement Officers clamp down on this anti- social behaviour. We will fight for increased police patrols in Westcourt.
Council Services
We will work to ensure that Council services affecting residents are protected and improved. We will work with a Conservative administration which will be responsible with residents’ money and we will make sure council funds are prudently used for the benefit of residents
Parking Provisions
We will look to improve parking provisions in Westcourt particularly around the schools - ensuring that drop off and collection at the schools aren’t marred with accidents due to inconsiderate parking We will continue to work with the Kent County Council to tackle complaints associated with parking. We will ensure that Enforcement Officers spend more time in to tackle the parking hotspots. We will also work with the local schools to encourage responsible parking at drop off and pick up times.