Opposing Inappropriate Development on our Green Belt
We are strongly against building on the green belt and will vigorously defend our countryside in and around the village of Higham. We believe that any breaches or encroachment onto the green belt, however small, sets a precedent that could make it unavoidable for misplaced future plans.
Protection of Higham Railway Station and its Services
We strongly believe that Higham station is, and always has been an important commuter link for the residents of Higham and the rural communities. It may be a village station and small compared to town stations, but it is well used and vital not just for the commuters but for the elderly, school children and those needing to travel in the opposite direction to the commuting London bound route.
Addressing Traffic and Parking Concerns
Local concerns regarding unacceptable levels of traffic clogging up the routes in and out of Higham are supported. Whilst local businesses are essential, traffic movement involving lorries and HGVs need to be kept at an acceptable level, using the correct routes in and out of the village. Current regulations need to be enforced or increased if necessary. Speeding needs to be continually monitored and more traffic control methods need to be in force. Likewise, inappropriate parking needs to be discouraged to enable the smooth flow of traffic through the village and reducing problems for residents.
Mitigating the Effects of The Lower Thames Crossing
The Lower Thames Crossing will bring unprecedented levels of traffic, noise, and pollution to our area. Highways England and Kent County Council will be put under pressure for the maximum mitigation against the adverse impacts of the crossing, including measures for roads through Higham and the surrounding areas having minimal impact and will press for effective measures to reduce traffic pollution.
Supporting Local Communities
Regular surgeries are held by the Parish Council to listen to local concerns and assurances that issues raised are dealt with by the Borough Council, or raised with Kent County Council, so that they get the attention they deserve. Liaison with the Police and the local PCSO to make sure cases are progressed and our fair share of any additional resources in Kent are applied. We will support the village local school, library, shops, churches, businesses and services, and represent all constituents, whatever their political persuasion.