Anthony Pritchard is a Gravesham Borough Councillor for the Woodlands ward.
Tony was first elected to Gravesham Council on 1st May 2003, and he has represented Woodlands Ward since 2007.
He was born and brought up in the area and has felt privileged to have represented and served local people over recent years.
His background is quite heavily housing based, and to that end he has served as Cabinet Member for housing in the last two Conservative administrations, if fact it was under Tony’s promotion and enthusiasm that the building of Gravesham Council Housing was re-introduced in 2011 after three terms of a Labour run authority when there was no new council housing construction anywhere in our Borough.
In his private life he is involved in Sheltered Housing and works for a local housing provider.
As for his leisure-time he and his wife enjoy walking their two springer spaniels and he also says that “like Bob Hope” he can also “spoil a good walk” with a golf club in his hand.