Parking – Fixing a Growing Problem
We understand that parking is a problem in Woodlands. In the past, we have worked hard to achieve parking schemes for Ferndale and Lingfield Road. More recently we have championed petitions for yellow lines at the bottom of The Fairway, which is to include Hillingdon and Dennis Road. If elected, we will strive to work with residents to continue the fight against commuter parking in areas such as Chalky Bank and we will ensure that your parking concerns are addressed as a matter of priority.
A Promise to Protect and Enhance our Open Spaces
From the Mid-Kent Golf Course, to the internationally renowned Cyclopark, we are all so privileged to have an excellent array of open spaces in our ward. We have a proud record of working hard to enhance our open spaces, including the recent £150,000 transformation of Woodlands Park. These spaces, which define our community, are all too often taken for granted, however we pledge to ensure that our open spaces are protected and enhanced for the future. We will work with residents to ensure that our open spaces remain safe and accessible for all.
Keeping our Streets Safe and Clean
We will strive to ensure that our streets are safe and clean. We will work with the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner to lead the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour. We will call on the Police to undertake evidence-based patrolling of our streets and open spaces. Our promise is to lobby for regular street cleansing and undertake community litter picks throughout the year. We understand how important it is to people that our streets are safe and clean, and your Conservative team will work hard to ensure that the Council has enough resources to fulfil this duty.
Putting Local Residents First
We will continue to work with local residents to ensure that our ward is a pleasant place to live. We will work hard to tackle the local issues that affect you and your family the most. As your local councillors we will hold regular surgeries and keep you informed of our work. We will support our local schools, shops, and services, and listen to your concerns.
Our Pledge to Improve Local Services
Our promise is to fight for improvements to our local services. We will represent your concerns and ensure that your council tax is not wasted on vanity projects. We will work with Kent County Council to tackle highway concerns and we will further work with local GPs to put the health and wellbeing of our residents first. We have a proud track record of making improvements to local services and we will continue to strive for better, more efficient services in our borough.