Addressing Traffic and Parking Concerns
We share local concerns regarding unacceptable levels of traffic clogging up our villages. So we will work hard to support initiatives to combat rat-running and speeding through Cobham, Sole Street, Luddesdown, The Ridgeway and Pear Tree Lane. Inconsiderate residential parking is also an issue in Sole Street and other parts of the ward. We will work with Parish Councils to find solutions to help alleviate this problem. We will also press for further measures to help prevent heavy goods vehicles using unsuitable roads through our villages.
Mitigating the Effects of The Lower Thames Crossing
The Lower Thames Crossing will bring unprecedented levels of traffic, noise, and pollution to our area. We will press Highways England and Kent County Council for the maximum mitigation against the adverse impacts of the crossing, including measures to prevent roads through Cobham, Sole Street, Thong, Luddesdown and other areas becoming traffic tributaries during construction and beyond. We will fight in the corner of everyone who is blighted by these proposals to obtain maximum compensation, and press for effective measures to reduce traffic pollution.
Opposing Inappropriate Large-Scale Development on our Green Belt
We support small-scale, sympathetically designed developments to meet our own local need, whether it is affordable housing for our younger local residents starting out on the property ladder, or sheltered housing for older residents downsizing. However, we will vigorously defend our countryside against large-scale, inappropriate development. In particular, we will oppose any plans to merge Sole Street with Hook Green, and any significant reduction of the strategic gap between the Gravesham urban area and Strood.
Supporting our Local Communities
We will hold regular surgeries and listen to local concerns. We will support our local parish councils and ensure that issues raised are dealt with by the Borough Council, or raised with Kent County Council, so that they get the attention they deserve. We will liaise with the Police and our local PCSO to make sure cases are progressed and our fair share of any additional resources in Kent are applied. We will support our local schools, shops, and services, and we will represent all our constituents, whatever their political persuasions.
Protecting and Improving our Environment
We will actively support and lead initiatives to help keep our environment safe, clean, and tidy, whether that is actively support local Speedwatch initiatives, organising and participating in litter picks, and pressing the relevant authorities to combat fly tipping (and to prosecute offenders). As local residents ourselves, we will be proud to represent our local communities and we will do all we can to ensure Shorne, Cobham & Luddesdown remain attractive places to live.