Fight the damage of the Lower Thames Crossing.
The Lower Thames Crossing will impact more people in Riverview than any other part of Gravesham.
We will continue to represent Riverview’s wishes with regards to Highways England in opposing, but importantly, mitigating the damage the crossing will do.
We will support and encourage the proposed woodlands adjacent to our estate and the crossing.
We will do our best to help alleviate disruption from the crossing, the works, and the compound; and support the extension of the proposed Thong Lane green bridge.
Combat Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.
Following on from the extraordinary pact meeting organised after a spate of car vandalism last year we will continue to lead the fight against crime and ASB on our estate.
Tackle the symptoms and the causes by being proactive rather than reactive.
Support and encourage youth schemes and activities that would deter would-be young offenders.
Zero tolerance – we will push for maximum consequences for offenders in order to discourage them from making bad choices.
Encourage evidence-based patrolling of our streets by police.
Help keep Riverview clean, tidy and safe.
We will strive to keep Riverview safe for our children. We will review the siting of dog bins around the estate and the placement of information posters.
We will improve awareness of the law and reporting facilities of offences to help get fast action on cleaning up after irresponsible dog owners.
We will review the placement of litter signs and bins in and around our amenities, where streets are more susceptible to problems. We will seek improvements on any unsafe parking on the estate, particularly around the schools.
Help to protect and improve local services.
We will support our GP practice and any improvements put forward, while also raising any concerns expressed by residents to practice management.
We will represent any concerns you have about the bus services operating in our area, ensuring that convenient timings and routes continue to help make your life that bit easier.
We will take action to ensure the recycling point remains tidy, safe and easy to access.
Stand up for our ‘river view’ and green spaces, and resist urban sprawl.
We will continue to work with other opponents of inappropriate development in protecting Gravesham’s green spaces from urban sprawl. In particular, we will fight tooth and nail to protect the gorgeous living space around Riverview enjoyed by so many families, children and dog walkers - especially with the Lower Thames Crossing that is expected to cut through.
Our part of Gravesham provides an important strategic gap in the urbanisation from London to Medway and is a key battleground in protecting rural England from becoming a concrete jungle.